Sunday, May 1, 2011
Margie and Me Color Challenge
Marcie A of LaBellaJoya posts a color challenge on a regular bases, and this is the pallet for the challenge this time. I love the colors in this challenge and I knew as soon as I saw them, what I wanted to create.
This is what I created. It is a bracelet that I love. I have also made this in a different color pallet. I just don't have a picture of it yet. I will post one when I get around to taking a picture.

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Back on the Wagon
I guess I sort of fell off the wagon for a few days, but I am back up now.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter for those that believe. Myself, I had a wonderful time. Went to one of my 5 sisters' house for dinner and egg hunt.
I received a phone call early yesterday morning, informing me that my niece had delivered her first baby, a girl named Nola, 8lbs 9oz. Nola was 6 days late in her appearance, I think she will take after her grandma. My sister, is the one in the family that you tell an earlier time to, so she will be on time, you know the type, every family has one LOL. She is very good about getting to work on time, but when it comes to social events, well she is always the last one to show up.
I have finished my piece for Marcie's 'Marge and me challenge'. I finished it a week ago, and I can hardly wait to post the picture of it. I got it finished early, knowing that I would be headed to NC to visit my grand daughter and her family on the 29th. I will take my laptop with me and get it posted to both my blog and to Marcie's blog. If you aren't a follower of Marcie, I will give you a 'feed' to her site when I post the picture. That way you will be able to see all the entries to her challenge. I always have a wonderful time when I do one of Marcie's challenges. She always comes up with some great color schemes.
That is it for today, I can't show my newest yet, so come back on the 30th and I will reveal my challenge piece.
Till then, happy beading.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter for those that believe. Myself, I had a wonderful time. Went to one of my 5 sisters' house for dinner and egg hunt.
I received a phone call early yesterday morning, informing me that my niece had delivered her first baby, a girl named Nola, 8lbs 9oz. Nola was 6 days late in her appearance, I think she will take after her grandma. My sister, is the one in the family that you tell an earlier time to, so she will be on time, you know the type, every family has one LOL. She is very good about getting to work on time, but when it comes to social events, well she is always the last one to show up.
I have finished my piece for Marcie's 'Marge and me challenge'. I finished it a week ago, and I can hardly wait to post the picture of it. I got it finished early, knowing that I would be headed to NC to visit my grand daughter and her family on the 29th. I will take my laptop with me and get it posted to both my blog and to Marcie's blog. If you aren't a follower of Marcie, I will give you a 'feed' to her site when I post the picture. That way you will be able to see all the entries to her challenge. I always have a wonderful time when I do one of Marcie's challenges. She always comes up with some great color schemes.
That is it for today, I can't show my newest yet, so come back on the 30th and I will reveal my challenge piece.
Till then, happy beading.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 12
Only two more days to go. I am going to make the 14 days even if it kills me. LOL
Tonight I am so very tired. I was up at 5am and now I am pooped. I think I will let the show and tell go till tomorrow, and I will post 2 of them.
The weather here in Southeastern Michigan has been seasonally cold. We had snow on Monday and it hasn't gone above the 40's all week. It is normally in the mid 60's at this time of the spring. Looks like we are going to be wearing our winter coats on Easter. :(
I am going to watch American Idol, then hit the sack. 5 am will be early again tomorrow.
Happy Beading, till tomorrow.
Tonight I am so very tired. I was up at 5am and now I am pooped. I think I will let the show and tell go till tomorrow, and I will post 2 of them.
The weather here in Southeastern Michigan has been seasonally cold. We had snow on Monday and it hasn't gone above the 40's all week. It is normally in the mid 60's at this time of the spring. Looks like we are going to be wearing our winter coats on Easter. :(
I am going to watch American Idol, then hit the sack. 5 am will be early again tomorrow.
Happy Beading, till tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 11
I only have 3 more days of my 14 day challenge. So far I have been pretty good, but to tell you the truth, I am running out of things to say. That is something I never thought would happen.
My great grand daughter will be in town for the next 8 days. She is will be spending time with her biological father for Easter break. And because he is single, I will be watching her during the day while he works. I can hardly wait for that. She loves beading with me, so I imagine we will be going through a bunch of my old beads.
Speaking of old beads, here is my Show 'N' tell for today. It is a piece I made, maybe two springs ago. Back in 2009 I entered it in the 'Flower Inspired Challenge' at Beading Daily. I didn't win, but I had a blast making it. Then shortly after the challenge I sold the necklace. The two gals that bought it, also bought everything they needed to make another one. Heard them whisper that they could do some reverse engineering on it, and copy it. I didn't say anything, but they
only needed to ask and I would have told them how to go about making one
. Wonder if they ever made another.
We are getting an electrical storm, so I need to shut my laptop down.
Till tomorrow,
Happy Beading
My great grand daughter will be in town for the next 8 days. She is will be spending time with her biological father for Easter break. And because he is single, I will be watching her during the day while he works. I can hardly wait for that. She loves beading with me, so I imagine we will be going through a bunch of my old beads.
Speaking of old beads, here is my Show 'N' tell for today. It is a piece I made, maybe two springs ago. Back in 2009 I entered it in the 'Flower Inspired Challenge' at Beading Daily. I didn't win, but I had a blast making it. Then shortly after the challenge I sold the necklace. The two gals that bought it, also bought everything they needed to make another one. Heard them whisper that they could do some reverse engineering on it, and copy it. I didn't say anything, but they
We are getting an electrical storm, so I need to shut my laptop down.
Till tomorrow,
Happy Beading
Monday, April 18, 2011
Day 10!!!!
This Monday the 18th and the 10th day of blogging. This morning when I blogged it was about 20 minutes after midnight. I was surprised today to see that it posted as Sunday April 18. It must be that wherever Blog spot is, it isn't in Eastern time zone.
I woke up this morning and all the grass had turned white. So, needless to say I didn't play golf, but neither did anyone else for that matter. We had our meeting, sat and gabbed for a little bit, than all went our separate ways. Next week when our like officially starts, I hope we don't have the white stuff on the ground. Instead of playing golf I went shopping and bought a new TV table. Hubby helped me put it together. Then we had had to rearrange the family room, it looks great. That is everything except my messy work desk. It used to look like this, but now it is such a mess, I won't
even share a current picture of the area. I really need to spend some time cleaning the area, but that will mean less beading time. :(
The tray is a former bread tray. It used to have a slatted board that went on top, and that would allow you to cut the bread evenly. Well, it was just the right size for me to use on my lap while I sit in my Lazy Girl chair and beaded. So it was banished form the kitchen to my
beading area.
That is my blog for today. I will return tomorrow with a new show and tell.
Till tomorrow, happy beading.
I woke up this morning and all the grass had turned white. So, needless to say I didn't play golf, but neither did anyone else for that matter. We had our meeting, sat and gabbed for a little bit, than all went our separate ways. Next week when our like officially starts, I hope we don't have the white stuff on the ground. Instead of playing golf I went shopping and bought a new TV table. Hubby helped me put it together. Then we had had to rearrange the family room, it looks great. That is everything except my messy work desk. It used to look like this, but now it is such a mess, I won't
The tray is a former bread tray. It used to have a slatted board that went on top, and that would allow you to cut the bread evenly. Well, it was just the right size for me to use on my lap while I sit in my Lazy Girl chair and beaded. So it was banished form the kitchen to my
That is my blog for today. I will return tomorrow with a new show and tell.
Till tomorrow, happy beading.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Darn I Missed Day 9
Darned I was going to blog after dinner tonight, but I made a mistake and sat down in my Lazy Girl (AKA Lazy Boy) and I fell asleep. It is now 12:18 am on Monday morning, I missed to blog on the 9th straight day, and I was doing so good. So I guess I will blog now, and again later for a second time on this day.
It was a cold and nasty day again today. I don't know what happened to spring or global warming, but I think it left Southeastern Michigan. They are calling for snow sometime before daylight. I was expecting to play golf this afternoon, but I can see that golf will not happen for me today, if we have snow. I am a fair weather golfer, and snow and fair weather are nowhere near close together in my dictionary.
Okay, here is my show and tell for today. Or I should say my first of two show and tells of the day. This is a ring I made and donated to a silent auction. The auction were run by the teens in our church. They have been profit sharing for the last 3 years, to be able to go to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain this year. It is a 10 day youth rally and the Pope will be
there as well. The ring is made of Swarvoski crystals and seed beads. The design was from a web site in Korea. The design called for different beads. I changed it up because I thought that it would be beautiful in
crystal, and I was right.
I need to get busy and make some more, or at this rate of 'show and tell' I am going to run out of shows.
Happy beading till later in the day when I will be back to post again.
It was a cold and nasty day again today. I don't know what happened to spring or global warming, but I think it left Southeastern Michigan. They are calling for snow sometime before daylight. I was expecting to play golf this afternoon, but I can see that golf will not happen for me today, if we have snow. I am a fair weather golfer, and snow and fair weather are nowhere near close together in my dictionary.
Okay, here is my show and tell for today. Or I should say my first of two show and tells of the day. This is a ring I made and donated to a silent auction. The auction were run by the teens in our church. They have been profit sharing for the last 3 years, to be able to go to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain this year. It is a 10 day youth rally and the Pope will be
I need to get busy and make some more, or at this rate of 'show and tell' I am going to run out of shows.
Happy beading till later in the day when I will be back to post again.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Day 8 And Still Blogging
Today is a nasty, rainy day, so it is a good day to sit and just blog.
I have decided, that blogging is way too much fun. I can sit and talk about myself, and what I'm doing, without anyone changing the subject on me. So kool!! And I guess, if you tire of listening to me, and to what I'm doing, you can always just turn me off, I wouldn't even know it. :(
Anyway, today I will be going to my local LBS, to teach a few people how to make my heart link sterling silver bracelet. I offered this class to do on a Saturday early afternoon. Because I have heard so many people express that, they just aren't able to swing a week night class, I decided to try a day time Saturday class. This is the very first weekend class offered at Joan's store. Than yesterday, someone inquired about the class and stated that it would have been better for them in the evening, and asked to be put on the list for a night class for the bracelet. Can't please everyone. I guess, that is why Joan has a hard time filling her classes. Everyone wants, whatever she isn't teaching that week. Anyway, that is what I have planned for this rainy Saturday after noon.
In one of my very first blogs, I posted that I was sort of afraid to post pictures of my things, because of the huge problem with stealing designs off the internet. The world has gotten smaller now, but much larger. Does that make sense? What I mean is. so many more people can view into your windows (excuse the pun for all you MAC users), and steal whatever you have on display. Some people are just not ethical when it comes to the rights of others. I am a firm believer, of the rights of the designer. In fact, the other day I posted about a ring I had made. Well, what you didn't know, is that before I posted that ring to my blog, even though I stitched it myself, I got permission from the designer, Kelly owner of 'Off the Beaded Path'. I called her at 10am that morning, before I ever published that picture. I just didn't want to step on her toes. I must say, she was very nice, and was glad to have me post the picture. I also gave her full credit for the design and gave a hot link to her site. So I just hope that all the people that see my pieces respect my rights and don't copy my pieces. I make pretty much one of a kind pieces, but that is by design. So please respect mine and everyone rights, and come up with your own designs, or get permission from the designer. It is easy and most of them are like Kelly, gracious and willing to share. Okay off my soap box.
TA DA!!! Now for show 'n' tell. This piece is what I made my friend Joan for Christmas. Joan is the owner of my local LBS. The broach is about 2 1/2" - 3" across. I bought the focal piece off of e-bay, therefore I am not positive to just what it is, I just knew it was a stone, and I liked it. I used glass pearls, and Swarovski
crystals alone with size 11
/0 and 8/0 seed beads. The back is a scrap piece of suede, I bought at Hobby Lobby. The pin is glued to the broach and then the suede is glued to the broach, sandwiching the the pin between, making it very sturdy.
That's my blog for today.
Until tomorrow, Happy beading!
I have decided, that blogging is way too much fun. I can sit and talk about myself, and what I'm doing, without anyone changing the subject on me. So kool!! And I guess, if you tire of listening to me, and to what I'm doing, you can always just turn me off, I wouldn't even know it. :(
Anyway, today I will be going to my local LBS, to teach a few people how to make my heart link sterling silver bracelet. I offered this class to do on a Saturday early afternoon. Because I have heard so many people express that, they just aren't able to swing a week night class, I decided to try a day time Saturday class. This is the very first weekend class offered at Joan's store. Than yesterday, someone inquired about the class and stated that it would have been better for them in the evening, and asked to be put on the list for a night class for the bracelet. Can't please everyone. I guess, that is why Joan has a hard time filling her classes. Everyone wants, whatever she isn't teaching that week. Anyway, that is what I have planned for this rainy Saturday after noon.
In one of my very first blogs, I posted that I was sort of afraid to post pictures of my things, because of the huge problem with stealing designs off the internet. The world has gotten smaller now, but much larger. Does that make sense? What I mean is. so many more people can view into your windows (excuse the pun for all you MAC users), and steal whatever you have on display. Some people are just not ethical when it comes to the rights of others. I am a firm believer, of the rights of the designer. In fact, the other day I posted about a ring I had made. Well, what you didn't know, is that before I posted that ring to my blog, even though I stitched it myself, I got permission from the designer, Kelly owner of 'Off the Beaded Path'. I called her at 10am that morning, before I ever published that picture. I just didn't want to step on her toes. I must say, she was very nice, and was glad to have me post the picture. I also gave her full credit for the design and gave a hot link to her site. So I just hope that all the people that see my pieces respect my rights and don't copy my pieces. I make pretty much one of a kind pieces, but that is by design. So please respect mine and everyone rights, and come up with your own designs, or get permission from the designer. It is easy and most of them are like Kelly, gracious and willing to share. Okay off my soap box.
TA DA!!! Now for show 'n' tell. This piece is what I made my friend Joan for Christmas. Joan is the owner of my local LBS. The broach is about 2 1/2" - 3" across. I bought the focal piece off of e-bay, therefore I am not positive to just what it is, I just knew it was a stone, and I liked it. I used glass pearls, and Swarovski
That's my blog for today.
Until tomorrow, Happy beading!
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